Red Bull Soap Box – Los Angeles, CA

On May 21 the usually clogged streets of downtown Los Angeles, CA will be transformed for the Red Bull Soapbox Race. Approximately 40 teams will compete in this non-motorized racing event, which encourages gear heads and adrenaline junkies alike to break out their toolboxes and build outrageous human-powered vehicles designed to thrill the masses.

SCS Wraps was fortunate enough to help build this epic event to the streets of Los Angeles.  SCS was in charge of once again providing the asphalt/concrete media logos for Red Bull, associate sponsor – Ralph’s prints, GIVES YOU WIIINGS prints and all other Red Bull logos!

Here are some photos for your enjoyment as well as a link to a great video!  Our asphalt/concrete media is cutting edge and very unique in the vinyl world.  Please contact us today for more information (406) 585.2635 or


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