
Fins & Feathers Mobile Fly Shop

Fins & Feathers fly shop in Bozeman, Montana is one of a kind. 'On the Fly' - The can't miss box tuck wrapped inside and out! YES, you heard me, the inside of the box truck is wrapped (photos below). FlyFishTruck.com  A first of its kind her ...

Harveys Plumbing Truck Wrap

Harvey’s Plumbing Truck Wrap

Slowly but surely, our team here at SCS Wraps is working toward wrapping all of the Harvey's Plumbing and Heating fleet.  This truck wrap was just finished, and is now consistent with the green energy design that our graphics department developed last sum ...


Used Furniture Store Vehicle Wrap

Used Furniture Store here in Bozeman, MT has been a long time client of ours here at SCS Wraps.  Their business has grown leaps, and bounds as they pride themselves on selling top quality, restored used furniture.  If you have some time, st ...


Harvey’s Plumbing and Heating Truck

Harvey's Plumbing and Heating are your local experts when it comes to all things plumbing and heating.  They are doing amazing things with regard to the advancement of green energy solutions and have an incredibly experienced staff to stand behind their w ...


Jeacec Custom Woodworks Box Truck Wrap

Jeacec Custom Woodworks, based in Churchill, MT, does custom woodwork ranging from full re-models to individual furniture pieces.  They are expanding their service fleet that includes this recently wrapped, giant box truck. This vehicle is literally a mov ...


Davis Cabinetry Box Truck Wrap

Davis Cabinetry, in Bozeman, MT, has got a new member to their service/delivery vehicle fleet!  This new box truck will be hitting the streets of Bozeman, MT very soon.  Keep an eye out for this as it is going to be a great advertising tool for ...


Tumbleweeds Gourmet-on-the-Go Vehicle Wrap

For all of you Bozeman locals, we are sure that you have seen the Tumbleweeds Gourmet-on-the-Go Food Truck around town or you have already purchased some of their delicious food.  Either way, this truck was a unique project for our team at SCS.  Jay Blask ...


TIMptations Box Truck Wrap

Timptations, Timptations.com bringing the freshest, organic vegetables to you every week in their newly wrapped delivery truck. SCS was called in to bring their delivery trucks to life! Mission accomplished. If you are in bay area of California, San Jose, ...
