Blue Heron School – Gym Floor Decal

SCS Unlimited would like to showcase our new line of floor/asphalt graphics.  Blue Heron School in Port Townsend, WA contacted us recently and asked if we could print their new school logo to be applied in the schools gym.  The print came out great and here is a few testimonials from Mr. Mark Decker – Principal of Blue Heron and Tom Kent – P.E. Teacher and Athletic Coordinator.

Mark Decker wrote: “Here are photos of the completed Blue Heron Gym Floor.  Thank you both for all of your hard work!”

Tom Kent wrote: “I agree with Mark.  I couldn’t be more pleased with the way everything turned out.  Thank you for making the small changes and adding the hop scotch and four square courts.  The kids will also love it!”

We, at SCS, were happy to help Blue Heron to make this happen for their gym.  We hope that our new line of floor/asphalt graphics takes off like wildfire as they are such a unique and flashy way to showcase events and programs!

[singlepic id=672 w=560 h=540 float=center]


SCS Crew

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